Hey everyone! Today’s podcast contains my 5 crazy easy tips to help you lose weight just in time for the beach season!

I’m sure these sound familiar but I have to emphasize them because for as many times as you hear them, are you really following them??

The 5 crazy easy tips to help you lose weight are:

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Stop eating processed foods
  3. Cut back on added sugar
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Get an accountability partner, like me!

Now of course this is the quick, simple, abridged “I can’t listen/watch the podcast, Elle!” version of my podcast.  If you want more details be sure to watch it as soon as you’re able to!

Losing weight doesn’t have to be hard so stop being hard on yourself and start taking the steps you need to, to succeed in losing the weight you want and finally feeling great!

If you liked my podcast let me know in the comments below, and be sure to share with your friends.  If you need my help, feel free to reach out.