In light of recent horrific events, I had to take to the web and share my thoughts. These are thoughts I normally keep to myself, or go off on a barely understandable tangent to someone close to me who lends an ear. I hate to say this but it’s painfully true.


There was #blacklivesmatter, then #alllivesmatter and even #lionslivesmatter, but lets be real…


My heart broke into a million pieces when I heard Christine Leinonen’s tearful plea for her son’s life. I cried when the news showed Eddie Justice’s text messages to his mom, initially saying “I love you mommy”.  And while the pain is palpable, and life has completely frozen for these mothers and all of those who lost a loved one that dreadful day, the world as we’re living it, continues.

I don’t say this to be insensitive.  I say this because unfortunately this is how it is.

Nothing will change.

But what does that have to do with whether we matter enough?  It has everything to do with it.

We don’t matter enough, because if we did, there wouldn’t be so much division in the world.  We don’t matter enough, because if we did, politicians and corporations wouldn’t care more about lining their pockets, than they would about the lives they affect with their greed-driven decisions.  We don’t matter enough, because if we did, people wouldn’t murder other people simply because they’re different.

Unfortunately, money and power are more important than human lives.

Until we begin to see that humanity is precious, and that every life is important to this planet; every life has a right to be here; every life has a purpose on this Earth; we will not matter enough.  Lives will be lost by more horrific acts.  Lives will be lost because of someone’s greed.  Lives will be lost because of someone’s hatred, and after a while, they’ll be forgotten by the world as well as the reason they died in the first place, and the cycle will continue.

We must ask ourselves, every day, whether we’re contributing to this problem.  We must decide that we want our world to be a place where Humanity is more important than our differences, than material things and than our beliefs.  We should live in such a way that, as long as no one is hurt, everyone can live how they choose, in peace.

What a beautiful world it will be when we begin to matter enough.